​Ignacio Sepúlveda
SDSU Coastal Engineering
Past and relevant studies in Chile
These studies were relevant in my career as they prompted me to pursue an academic career in Ocean Sciences and Geophysics. They showed me that innovation and research can effectively overcome the problems of our communities.
Tidal flow simulation at Ninualac Channel, Chile
Tidal current forecast using numerical modeling. Responsible for the development of modeling and forecast methodology. (AWAS Ingeniería, August 2011).​
The objective of this study was to estimate design loads on aquaculture cages within the Ninualac Channel. The study aimed to estimate of the highest current speeds due to astronomical tides using a hydrodynamic model. Correlations between long-term tidal records in ports and our records in Ninualac were calculated.

Tsunami Risk Assessment on projected basin, Chile.
Land slide tsunami risk assessment. Responsible of tsunamis modeling and sensitivity analysis of land slide scenarios. (AWAS Ingeniería, April, 2012).
​Landslide tsunami risk was assessed for a hydro plant projected in San Pedro River, Chile. Based on geological information, different landslide scenarios were simulated in three sites by employing the finite difference model Mike21 HD.
Simulation of aircraft operations in projected airports
Simulation of aircraft operations, using Flight Simulator, for testing projected runways and new aircrafts.​ Responsible of flight simulation (virtual pilot) of the aircrafts Gulfstream IV, Dash8, Airbus-319, Airbus 320 and Airbus 380 (Ghisolfo Ingeniería en Consulta S.A. 2009-2011).
Prepared for Civil Aeronautic General Direction (DGAC) of Chile.
The objective of the simulations were to test, as a first approach, the feasibility to operate new design airplanes on new Chilean airports (airports Teniente Julio Gallardo Airport, Puerto Natales; Guardia Marina Zañartu Airport, Puerto Williams; Arturo Merino Benitez Airport, Santiago; Aerometro Airport, Santiago.). The simulations were made using different weather scenarios.
Tsunami risk assessment and coastal protection design in a LNG Terminal

The study evaluated the tsunami hazard of an LNG port in Central Chile. We simulated two tsunami scenarios in Quintero Bay, generated by hypothetical earthquakes, similar to those of 1906 and 1730. The project also considered the conceptual design of a wall protecting a sea water intake system from flooding. We also proposed studies to simulate the drift of vessels around the port pier and to assess the collision hazard. The vessel drift model used a methodology I developed for this study.

Post-tsunami survey Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile.
Survey of 2010 chilean tsunami in San Juan Bautista Town. ​Member of survey team. (University of Valparaiso, April 2010).
Prepared for Municipality of Juan Fernandez.
After the 2010 tsunami, the University of Valparaiso conducted a post-tsunami survey on the archipelago with the objective to collect information on hydrodynamic patterns and damage in infrastructure. Specifically, flow depths and run-ups were measured in the most important bays of Robinson Crusoe Island.
Tidal/tsunami modeling in the Chilean Inland Seas

I generated a regional hydrodynamic model of the northern inland seas of Chile, between Seno Reloncavi and Taitao Peninsula. The model was exploited by AWAS Engineering to study dispersion of contaminants caused by the aquaculture industry. For the construction of this model, we collected all the bathymetry information available. We also digitalized nautical paper charts. For the calibration/validation of the model, we used many tide gauges and ADCP records within the inland seas. Recently, this model was used to assess the interaction between tides and tsunamis in
Chacao Channel. The models has been also exploited on important engineering projects in Chile.